Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Media Industry

What is the Media Industry?

Examples of organisations include: BBC, Disney, New Corp, Nintendo, Marvel, The Guardian. Media texts can be used to inform, entertain, or promote or products. Audiences can consume media texts in many different formats on a range of platforms.

Traditional media:
- Computer games
- Newspapers
- Music
- Magazines and comics
- Film
- Television
- Advertisement
- Radio

'New media':
- Websites
- Blogs
- Vlogs
- Online games
- Podcasts
- Apps

New media is on-demand content that is accessed through the internet using digital devices, including personal computers/smartphones. Media interacts with the audiences' engagement and feedback. Audiences are able to use one platform to display varies types of media.

For instance, on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop you can listen to the radio or download music, watch videos, read newspapers or magazine articles and communicate over social media. popular social media sites include Twitter and Facebook, which drives people to share information and other forms of media online.

Media industry marketing and promotion:
Celebrity endorsement - actor interviews on chat shows just before a film releases.
cross-media campaigns - advertising films on television, radio and the internet.
market research of audience likes and dislikes through surveys and consumer reviews.
Competitive strategies - X-Factor, for example is scheduled at a different time to The Voice - in order to reach maximum viewers.

Media texts such as Hollywood films or tabloid newspapers are aimed at a mass market audience.

Whereas, newspapers such as the Guardian would target a specific niche audience.

Media regulation: U, PG, 12A, 12, 15, 18, R18

The film ratings are used by the BBFC.

Media producers are always looking for ways to grab our attention and every try and influence the way in which we live our lives.

Curran and Seaton theory - power and media industries
- this is the idea that the media is controlled by a small number of companies, driven by the logic of profit and power.

Who owns the media?
Walt disney
21st Century Fox
Time Warner

UK Media
news corp
trinity mirror

BBC acts as a counterweight public service broadcaster = PSB
The BBC doesn't rely on advertising. However, faces cuts and other media competition such as SKY.

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