Monday, January 14, 2019


Industry and Audience

Film = Industry only 
Radio = Industry and Audience 
Video Games = Industry and Audience 

Film Industry - Creating a Film:
- Ideas 
- Study decides who produces 
- Storyboard and scripts 
- Film the shots (production) 
- Editing 
- Trailer, billboards, social media, posters, brochures, adverts 
- Premier, focus groups, testing the film 
- Distribution - shown in cinema 
- DVD, Netflix 

4 Stages of Filming:

1. Production - development, pre-production, production, post-production 
2. Distribution - how film is distributed 
3. Marketing - posters, apps, television, interviews 
4. Exhibition/Exchange - the way people consume films, e.g. showing films in cinemas or renting/buying DVDs or downloading films

Primary aim of production company:
To make a profit = good business 

They will make money = Having a distribution plan, marketing and promoting a film 

Conglomerates - is when two or more companies engage in a multi-industry company 

Ownership types:
Horizontal integration:

Vertical integration: When the production company has ownership of the means of production, distribution, exhibition of the film by the same company as they receive all of the profit. 

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