Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Advertisement Paper 1 - Section B

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Advertisement Paper 1 - Section B 

Set Exam Topics:
- Old Spice
- Lucozade
- Charity advert

Marketing an advert consists of three key things: The awareness, interest and desire of a product. When creating an advert you must consider what makes it memorable? What will make people purchase the product being promoted or how will they address new customers? What is the target audience?
Image result for haribo advert
Things that make an advert memorable:
- Songs
- Unrealistic or unusual things
- Bold text
- Humour
- Innovative ideas

The Haribo advert is an example of a memorable advert for me that when I see, I recognize the brand and product immediately. Due to the light hearted humour of using grown adults eating sweets with children's voices for sound. The facial expressions and dialogue is realistic - sounds as though children are speaking but contrasts with an older generation. It uses a creative idea/USP through advertising which makes it stand out within the market.
Image result for 4p's
In order to be a successful business, a brand must evaluate what they are offering using the 4p's. Without one of these being assigned, the business has less chance of survival. A company tends to address the 4p's during the start up of the business. The 4p's are:
- Product
- Place
- Price
- Promotion
Another thing that builds towards growing a business is if it has a USP (Unique Selling Point). This will help differentiate the business from any other, make it stand out among the crowd.

Structural features of adverts:
- The Copy
- Headline
- Subheading
- Slogan
- Logo
- Central Image
- Typography
- Brand Identity

How to analyse the advert when it comes to the exam...
Describe what you see
What is represented in the images or text? (themes, brand, male/female)
Make connotations and denotations of the product
Body language
Facial expressions
What is the aim of the print advert?
Camera shot and why is it used?
Mise en scene
Psychology - what does everyone need it? what will it provide for the customer?
Lighting - examples of lighting include the following: High key, low key, back, top of the subject etc.

Direct mode of address: This is when a person looks straight into the camera. 

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