Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Shelter Exam Question

Shelter Exam Question

Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising. Use figure 3 to support your answer. 450 words 

In the shelter advert, the social and cultural contexts are shown through the statistics and imagery in the print copy. For instance, the typography stated on the bottom half of the advert shows three different stories of people that were in unfortunate positions – which shows diversity in people’s lives and backgrounds. The facts are used to shock the audience; showing that the target audience isn’t children. The quotation ‘We can help.’ is strong and confident which gives people hope that they aren’t alone – regardless of their current predicament, there are people that want to help and solve their problems. In today’s society advertising influences and shapes people’s opinions on topics that are presented to the public. The audience sympathise and feel empathy towards the people in the advert. Presenting the advert with pain and hurt allows the audience to view it in this way and feel these emotions. Using red coloured text across the victim’s faces shows the struggle because we as an audience symbolise red with anger, ache and upset; red in their eyes may suggest blood shot eyes which is also a result to someone feeling disconnected and lost.

As an audience, people have become desensitised to charity adverts, such as this one. Therefore, the harsh realities have been shown through dramatic and blank expressions in the faces. They look tired, expressionless and pale. This is for the reason that if the audience see pain or inhumane things, we are more likely to react and try and reach out to help people. The main target for this advert are adults – more specifically, caring people – because they are the kinds of people to have an understanding of debt or fear of losing homes at that age.

They have used a rhetorical question in the first image, as well as strong built, bold writing which effects the reader because they question themselves. ‘But where will we live’ gives the impression that the audience has a responsibility in assisting others – to do ‘their bit’ or all they can for the charity. Without funding and charity supporters, people wouldn’t be cared for. As a result, it has a strong message that we are all equal and should try and make a difference – despite some being strangers.

Social contexts can influence advertising in the way that facts and statistics make the advert even more real and life-like. In 2017 to 2018 56,580 households were classified as homeless. This number of households being homeless has decreased by 4% over the last year. Which suggests that charities such as the Shelter and others similar have made a different to the number – ensured there is help for homeless people to get their lives back. This is a result of the effective advertisement created. Making adverts equal (gender, race, class etc.) creates a more positive print copy for the audience and more appealing to help – showing that everyone is the same and can be going through the same thing. Which is also shown in the Shelter advert, presenting different ages and genders across the three images.

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