Friday, January 31, 2020

Stranger Things Intro

Image result for stranger things"

Stranger Things

Trailer consists of:
- Hybrid genres; crime, sci-fi, teenage drama, 80's, action 
- Promotes tv drama 
- Their branding comes from the Netflix logo at the beginning of the episode
- Low key lighting connotes mystery and suspense - Enigma 
- Dialogue reveals investigative narrative and crime conventions plus eerie non-diegetic sound 
- Mise en scene e.g. chopper bikes identity 1980's time period 
- Iconography of science-fiction (suits, lab)
- The paranormal as a convention of sci-fi (realism and non-realism) 
- Lightbulb and torches *significant 
- Audiences first interaction with Eleven 
- Storyline follows Todorov's narrative-theory, suggesting that all narratives follow a three-part structure where everything is balanced, progress as something comes along to disrupt the peace, then reach a solution, when equilibrium is restored
- Takes place on November 6th 1983 in Hawkins, Indiana
- Children as central protagonists and individuals' identities: Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas

The first 8 minutes:
- The eerie non diegetic sound (horror convention) 
- Camera tilts down (a common camera movement in stranger things) (department of energy; possible science fiction enigma) 
- Lighting malfunction 
- Cuts to suburban lawn - sprinklers and house have connotations of middle-class neighbourhood (todorovian) disruption.
- First major characters suggests diversity (three children who would be stereotypically seen as eccentric outsiders e.g. obsession with a board game)
- Objects and props anchor 1980's time period e.g. choppers.

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