Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Filming practice

In our third lesson, we learnt different types of film genres that can be created. These include: Comedy, Thriller, Romantic, Horror, Action and Adventure, Si-fi, Western, Crime and Mystery, Drama and Musical.

Genre theory - Steve Neale:
- He stated that genres may be dominated by repetition, also marked by difference, variation and change.
- The idea that these genres change, develop and vary as the borrow from and overlap with one another.

Hybrid: Combination of two genres for exmaple, romantic-comedy, action-adventure
Intertextuality: The relationship between texts, including famous paintings, biblical references, music artists that reflect and affect the audience's interpretation of the form of media
Genre: Type or catergory of something

Acronym 'Destinct':

D escribe
 n detail
S etting - location, historical time period
T hemes - love, guilt, revenge, good vs. evil
I cons - significant props (i.e. weapon, wallet, umbrella)
N arrative - how a story is told, plot
C haracters - boy/girl, their background
T extual analysis - style of camera, editing, mise en scene and sound (image, text, colours, characters).

In order to practice and get a feel for a variety of genres, we got into groups of threes and were given two of the following genres. Me, Ella and Amy had Drama and Thriller. Consequently, we put together a short plot - two girls were having an argument over their best friend getting together with the other friend's boyfriend. As the argument gets heated, one of the girls are pushed off something taller than the ground beneath (the drama genre). Then we have one of the girls creeping up on the other behind an umbrella prop at the beginning (this part is thriller); it builds the suspense as to what will happen in the foreshadowed events. As a result, this is the reason we decided to edit the images in this way.

We used aspects of the acronym 'LIAR' in order to create our media. Our media effects the audience due to the fact that they are drawn to the realism of the drama - it is a real life situation. Therefore, enables the viewer to feel connected to the characters or feel sympathy towards them. On the other hand, we used a couple of different camera angles in order to achieve the sort of images we wanted - for instance, camera face angles from both of the girls, zoomed in shots, as well as images with the whole scene in (this captures the type of genre and setting that the pictures are located at). Furthermore, uses the language.

This is the beginning of the story. We chose to picture an innocent girl, sitting alone on a playground. She is smiling which shows that the upcoming events are going to contrast, in order to show the genres.

The next snap shot is closer to the camera and has more focus on someone peeping over an umbrella to create a drastic suspense. It makes the viewers question the character's intention; whether they are good or evil. The images are showing a setting of a present day drama, with the use of the prop of a mobile phone.

The characters clash and cause a 'drama'. Hand gestures and frowning expressions present ideas of argumentative characters. It also doesn't show a one sided disagreement which purposely makes the audience question what is being said.

Amy starts pulling at Ella's hair as things lead from one thing to another. Evil is beginning to show as well as revenge.

Amy uses her prop to attack Ella, but before it does damage she puts her hand out to defend herself. the camera shot angle has changed to Amy's facial expressions to show her thought process - anger. The icon is used as a weapon.

The focus is taken back to Ella in the camera shot to show Ella having more power over Amy, when shoving her. Amy is hanging over the edge of the bench which is building suspense and curiosity to the audience.

This camera shot is in mid-air for the reason that the plot is unwinding and showing what has happened as a result of the arguing.

The end of the storyboard represents the prop on the other side of the scene and Amy sprawled across the ground. This is evil being shown, which contrasts the beginning.

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