Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Introduction to Media

 Introduction to Media

Forms of Media

There are many different forms of media that can be expressed; including magazines, news, radio, adverts, social media, television and music videos. Out of the following forms, the three I would use the most are social media, music and radio.

Social media would be prioritised over other forms of media, due to the fact that it enables me to communicate with friends and other people virtually. It is a representation of the things you spend your time doing as well as people you're with - what you wear and things you like. My favourite app on my phone is Snapchat. It is the most used one I have uploaded, for the reason that it allows me to post images, as well as chat to my friends and family. You see the popular trends as well as celebrity news from newspaper articles such as the Sun and the Daily Mail. However, they aren't always true/reliable! It's easy to read. 

Television programmes

As apart of the media lesson, I chose three of my favourite television programs. The Only Way is Essex, Riverdale and Stan Lee's Lucky Man are my favourite for different reasons. One being that they are all based on different genres and stories which makes them even more interesting. For instance, The Only Way is Essex is reality TV and follows celebrities in Essex. Riverdale is an American teen drama about an innocent, small town and how they all react after a rich boy is murdered. Stan Lee's Lucky Man shows what it is like when a police officer becomes lucky after being given an ancient bracelet that gives him lots of power; like the 'ying and yang', with every good luck he receives, something bad happens afterwards to present the balance between the darkness and luck.


Afterwards, we used an acronym to indicate the framework of a type of media. We watched links of videos/adverts on YouTube; such as John Lewis and Adidas adverts, in order to illustrate the Language, Industry, Audience and Representation (also known as LIAR) of what the companies were trying to use and target to present their individual messages for their chosen audience. 'Intertextuality' was also a key word we had to look out for within the videos - meaning the relationship between texts, including famous paintings, biblical references, music artists that reflect and affect the audience's interpretation of the form of media.

L anguage
I ndustry
A udience
R epresentation

L - Music is bold and the camera shots move quickly. It shows that lots is happening and that the general message within the language used is that education is important and you're praised for things you do well. E.g. waking up early, the young boy got a banner. Doing well is tests, followed by a celebration/party with a piñata.
I - Ikea advert
A - Targeted audience is for families (especially large ones), race diversity
R - Represents lots of life, happy people. Ikea is benefiting and having an influence on these people who go to Ikea for their services.

John Lewis & Partners
L - Children singing (high pitched) to an older song, based on a primary school play, soft piano in the background
I - John Lewis advert
A - Connecting to the parents in the audience and watching the advert. Children used as a foundation to be filmed due to the fact that in every day life, it is adults who are influencing the younger generation through the experiences they have learnt along the way. However, the message contrasts this because the attention is being put on the children through the form of a play. Which therefore has an impact on the audience.
R - Represents people coming together at a primary school play. Uses children in order to portray what John Lewis is all about - people coming together, having a close bond.

English for beginners
L - humour; for example, when the character says "I love you" on the bus, whilst learning English. It seems as though he says it to a stranger which is funny for the audience's viewing. When he snores when learning. When he pronounces words wrong to his dog - the English views will laugh because they know how it is really supposed to sound.
I - English for beginners
A - Audience for different ages/races/nationalities. Connects to the audience and can be sad for some viewers, for the reason that Christmas time is a holiday spent with family together and he is meeting his granddaughter for the first time and has to learn a new language in order to speak to her.
R - Represents the way old people live, not very busy lives - have time to learn a different language in their own time. A polish man learning the English language in order to speak to his granddaughter at Christmas.

L - Soft music of a couple and family. Form and language makes it easy to watch. The message of the advert shows that 'Love is for everyone' - everyone is equal and it doesn't matter what gender you are, where you are from, your ability to do something, if you are disabled, your age. It also shows that love stands by you always. Which presents the ways that the McCain business will stand by their customers the way 'love does'.
I - McCain chips advert
A - Audience is targeted at friends and family, all genders or sexualities are accepted. Bring people closer, hence the pictures showing kissing or family relationships and bonds. 
R - The advert represents everyone. The purpose is to show that everyone is welcome and can be used by a wide targeted audience. Nothing matters and everyone is well thought of, regardless of the background that you are from. It is very diverse.

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