Saturday, September 22, 2018

Ghost Ship

Ghost Ship

Camera                                Sound                               Mise en Scene                               Editing

Camera - the shots and angles 

Sound - the music, script and sound effects 

Mise en Scene - the lighting, costume, setting and props

Editing - cuts, transition and speed

In the opening of Ghost Ship, the film is perceived as a romantic genre. This is suggested by seductive soft sound, slow camera work and slow dancing. The denotations of the singer is that she is dressed in a red dress, gloves and a red lipstick. Therefore, suggesting love. However, the colour red also symbolises danger, blood or pain. 

As the beginning starts to unfold, there are a few suggestive signs that show horror. For example, 'I am so bored' is written in a toy that the young girl plays with. This emphasises that something bad is going to happen, because at this current moment in time nothing is happening. Equally important, the audience has no idea of what the upcoming events will hold.

Camera: Birds eye view - shows the importance of the ship deck
Costume: Red gloves - symbolises her keeping her hands clean, or maybe that her finger prints won't show
Setting: Harsh lines contrast with soft camera movement
Sound: Jolted music cuts
Camera: Long shot - the ship is the central point of the scene, dark setting foreshadows the events
Sound: Eery sounds - unclear echo, sinister, violins. The violins at the beginning are meant to be uplifting/upbeat classical
Mise en scene: Font - for the credits is pink, swirly and happy
Music: Suspiciously slower by the end
Sound: of machinery - ominous sound effects

- The singer constantly stares at the waiter in an off green coloured uniform. After watching till the end of the opening, we begin to realise that she is in on the plan to kill everyone on deck.
- the guests are distracted with the singing, so they don't suspect anything in the upcoming scenes.
- Wire starts with no blood till it slices through the actors, leaving it with blood on.
- Camera moves with the viewer - the viewers point of view - eye view
- moonlight blue fits with the genre

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