Monday, April 29, 2019

Stop Where You Are

Stop Where You Are 

Corinne Bailey Rae (CBR)

Notes and Analysis 

- April 2016 the song was produced 
- 2006 CBR was a rising star with her hit 'Put your records on'
- Specialises in pop music, a British singer from Leeds
- 2008 her husband died of an accidental overdose. After this she struggled massively with coping with her husband's passing. Therefore, she disappeared and released her newest song in 2016. 
- The song encourages people to live in the present and embrace the moments you're in. 
- Urban London 
- Diversity is shown through gender, age, ethnicity and class


- Businessman
- Homeless and less fortunate people
- Poor and lonely, desperate

- Male and female shown in similar situations which suggests that everyone is in the same boat and there are men and women that are sometimes forced into homelessness when it isn't their fault.

- Younger generation - teenagers wearing a hoodie, which suggests they can be threatening because you can't see their face
- Gang-Like look because they're wearing a leather jacket or tattoos covering their skin
- Troubled adults

- Black people
- Mixed race
- White
- Asian

How is the artist represented? 
- CBR is showing that a bad situation can be made positive and turned around. People shouldn't take things for advantage and appreciate the opportunities they are presented with.
- Her dress is bright red; the colour symbolises pain or love - so the dress suggests the pain she carries around with her, relating to her past love experiences. Which as we know, is what happened when her recent husband died of an accidental drug overdose. Not only does it present the pain and the past she is carrying, but how she embraces the moment she is in. She aims to show hope amongst the loss.
Lyrics; 'stop where you are' means that you shouldn't judge things from the outside. See people for who they are, not what they look like/age/background. Take notice of what is going on.
- The heels and posh dress shows that despite her high class, she can reach out and help people who she doesn't know or aren't as fortunate. Everyone should be treated the same.

Camera shot - shot of teenager

F - long shot
A - side angle of her body
M - tracking in

C - stereotypical teenager: hoodie
L - bright lighting, goes from low key to high key
A -
M - natural/no makeup: suggests her look means she's treated better than the homeless people
P -
S - warehouse, concrete = cold, dark and gloomy setting

Camera shot - blurred shot of man with tattoos 

- Blur shot shows that society have a lack of understanding because he is covered in tattoos and the audience question the life they have led

Androgynous - unsure if someone is masculine or feminine

FAM - five key shots
- Tracking in low levelled shot of CBR walking introducing the setting - in her heels (prestigious shoes contrast with the setting)
- Low level shot, full body shot of the business man looking down on the homeless woman which shows that as an audience we shouldn't judge and discriminate people
- Close up, low angled static picture. Blurred shot to show the lack of understanding in society. You can see the tattoos first - people have perceptions before knowing a person.
- Low angled mid shot which shows a young boy looking as though he's going to jump off the building, switching to a full body shot of him doing a black flip.
- High angle moving shot of the homeless women trying to attack the man. We look down on people on the floor if they are homeless (physically and mentally).
- Levelled close up of homeless women and business guy. Side shot of the women and the business man, however the women is in focus and the man is blurred out. It shows that at this moment the women is more important. Subverting: we don't expect him to treat her kindly - as they have contrasting lives.
- Close up levelled face close up shot with the sun shining through her. The light acts as a halo - making her look angelic.
- Over the shoulder shot from behind his back. Hooded, scary representation of the character.

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