Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dirt sheet 2


Name:                                      Date:

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence (5)
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to analyse media products (KU) of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/ Make judgements and draw conclusions (10)

Question: 2 How does media language incorporate viewpoints and ideologies in these front pages of the Guardian and he Daily Mail.

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:

-          In my assessment question I evaluated the ratio of images to text (heavy text regarding the Guardian). I also illustrated the informal language that had been used in The daily mail to discuss a ‘sex pest’ story. Overall my answer was clear and analysed the key points that were shown on the newspaper front covers.
-          On the other hand, I noticed the size of the fonts, the difference in colour and the hard and soft news used in both newspapers – how they differ.

What are the areas you need to improve?

-          When analysing the informal words used, I could have taken it further and said that the newspaper made it look as though the Jagger and sex pest stories were linked – due to the layout of words and images.
-          Another point that I could have expanded was the target audience that the daily mail was addressing (C1, c2, c3) – remember not to get mixed up with the other newspapers and letters ‘ABC’.

What will you do to improve in your next assessment? Any particular areas or study skills?

-          Mention political leanings/ideology
-          Analyse further, expanding the points found
-          Cover all areas of CLIFT (colour, layout, images, font, typography)
-          Think about PEAL as I am writing my answer (Point, example, analyse, link)

Q2 Points that could have been made

·         Differences in colour
·         Ratio of image to text – text heavy Guardian
·         Hard/soft news – Guardian three hard news stories all politics one international story
·         Formal/informal language
·         Guardian left leaning / Daily Mail
·         Close up head shots of DM old and aggressive Jagger, innocent young under SEX PESTS ideology of celebrity gossip and hyperbolic informal language
·         Daily Mail C1 C2 C3/ Guardian A B C
·         Alliteration language, saturated colour schemes
·         Size of fonts and capital letters DM

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