Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dirt sheet 6


Name:                                      Date:

Any advert set text question will ask you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding about media language and representations. It may further ask you to refer to the set product (s) you have studied.
Examiners are looking for:
·         How comprehensive, detailed and accurate is your knowledge of media language and/or representations in this media form.
·         The clarity, precision and balance of your explanations in answering the question
·         The detail and accuracy of your references to the set product(s) if required.

Total: 10 marks
Have a look at all the points you could have made from Miss Brookes’ feedback (next page) and reflect on what you did well and what was missing.

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:

Strengths included:
-          Identifying the impact, the campaign had on the audience (making them sympathise) and addressing that it created a negative image.
-          I stated the colours and dark shades of colour that was used to draw on the loss and pain shown.
-          Outlining the contexts which are societies anxieties – portraying people to feel pressure about money, jobs and homes.
-          I discussed the use of bold, capital letters which draws the attention on the red associating with blood or anger.
-          On the other hand, I included the ratio of women to men which makes people feel sorry for the stereotypical ‘weak’ gender.

What are the areas you need to improve?

-          To improve, I could have expanded on point about more women being shown than men – to say that these problems can occur to anyone.
-          I need to be more specific with examples of typography
-          Remember to layout the answer using … ‘this’ represents… which shows… is used because…

What do you need to focus on for your next advert assessment?

-          I need to revise the shelter advert in detail to ensure I know what the full stories were and what the text actually says so that if I get an unseen advert or a question without the advert to reference, then I know what to write. (how to write in more depth)
-          Remember DRCAGES and CLIFT to receive high marks

Points that could have been made:
-       The red font resembles pain, danger and death. It also is shown on the logo – therefore they both link to one another.
-       The colour red conveys a negative image to the audience
-       The normal looking women make them seem relatable
-       Being able to see through the font suggests that you are able to see through the problem they are facing
-       There are three different situations shown on the advertising campaign; one in debt, tenant kicks him out so they don’t have a home, lose their job
-       They all have anxious facial expressions which identify the impact the issue is having on them
-       The black background draws on the faces making them stand out
-       The close up images draws on accurate depiction of their emotions – so it is clear and visible
-       Adverts are designed to make the audience feel empathy towards the people. The overall aim is to create awareness
-       The advert also features web links and a number to call which shows that the audience can reach out and help the victims. It also makes them feel guilty for not helping if they ignore it.  
-       Similar people but in different situations show that they are all one and that situations like these can happen to anyone. On the other hand, the use of two women enforces this message – that it can be anyone in this position. The use of women is unexpected and makes the audience realise that it isn’t just lower class men that it happens to.

Explain how representations in advertisements are constructed and reflect the social and cultural contexts in which they were made. Refer to the Shelter advertising campaign in your answer (10)

Write down the list of bullet points that could have been included in your answer.

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